We are so lucky in Maine that members of the public are invited to testify in writing or in person on every bill before the Legislature. The State House remains closed to the public, so all public hearings are being conducted on Zoom. Each committee is providing live audio and a video stream of their proceedings. If you are moved to testify at the public hearing, please send an email to Committee Clerk at least 30 minutes before the start of the hearing in the form VLA@legislature.maine.gov. Or SLG@legislature.maine.gov. Make sure that you provide:
- Your name
- Your town of residence (or the organization you represent)
- The LD number & title for which you want to provide testimony
- Whether you will: 1) testify for, 2) testify against, or 3) testify neither for nor against the bill
The Committee Clerk will make sure you receive the Zoom link to participate in the hearing. Use this link to submit written testimony in addition to or instead of appearing in person. Committee meetings may be heard at www.mainelegislature.org or viewed at www.youtube.com/mainestatelegislature.